Falls and Balance
Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide.
Causes of Falls
Alteration to gait, balance and mobility, or muscle weakness
Older person's perception of functional ability and fear relating to falling
Visual impairment
Cognitive impairment and alterations on a neurological examination
Urinary incontinence
Presence of home hazards
Cardiovascular pathology
Medications prescribed
Falls & Balance Workshops at Exercise Thought
Sandi’s Testimonial
At Exercise Thought we teach you how to fall safely, would you like to know more?
The socialisolation and physical disconditioning cost directly by repeated COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 and in 2021 and the continued social isolation imposed on individuals and families and households has, in combination with an aging population, exponentially increase the risk of falls related injuries and deaths.
Injuries with caused by falling over we’re already the number one cause of injury-related hospitalization.
And if Physio will be trained in assessing balance and aware in the tragic consequences of falling over. Many toddlers and children fall over easily and write themselves quickly. Many athletes too. Many older adults, back in person, are afraid of falling. The fear of falling, as many physios are aware, is the most concerning risk factor that predicts a higher risk of falls falls, injury and death.
There are many interventions that I am to reduce the chances of falls, improve someone’s balance and reduce the impact that falling over has on a persons quality of life.
Some health professionals will encourage people who worry about falling over to equip themselves with particular footwear, gate aids, household support such as handrails and ramps, devices for improving hearing and vision, and a whole host of other interventions that exist outside the individuals skin. And Exercise Thought, we focus on the interventions that are inside the persons skin. We obsess over the improve ability of the individual. We believe and maintain hope that a person can, at every age and in every stage of life, improve. Our physiotherapists will deliver exercises, education and care for the individuals social context with a view to maximize in quality of life, approaching fools not as a thing to be feared but as a skill that can be practiced, and with no shortage of counseling or expand experientially acquired skill in psychology.
Every Wednesday at 10: 30am, Exercise Thought Physiotherapy holds a FREE Falls and Balance class at Melba Park for all ages. Melba Park is just across the road from Exercise Thought Physiotherapy.
Worlds Health organisations, Link: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/falls